Our Refill labels have been developed and consumer-tested to enable OPRL members to engage their customers in using refill systems appropriately. Label requirements In compliance with ISO 14021, these labels can only be used on packaging that meets the following criteria:
- The packaging was designed to be refilled with its original product a minimum of 10 times1 e.g. a handsoap bottle that can be refilled with more handsoap
- Refill systems are available to at least 75% of the UK population who had availability to purchase it initially
- Refill systems will be available for a minimum of 3 years
- The packaging can be refilled without risk to the consumer i.e. harsh chemical exposure or requiring the use of tools
- The packaging and refill /reuse comply with any relevant standards e.g. Those under development by The UK Plastics Pact.
You will be required to confirm that your packaging meets these criteria and that you have robust supporting evidence which can be made available to OPRL on demand, and as part of your compliance audit. Reuse is where packaging is refilled and used again for the same purpose for which it was designed, so avoiding disposal by the consumer after a single use2
1 Unless evidence can be provided that FULL environmental benefits are realised with fewer uses
2 In line with The Waste Framework Directive Consumers understand ‘reuse’ to mean any reuse of packaging, from storage of items and home jam making to use in craft projects. The word “Refill” is therefore used on OPRL labels to make it clear the packaging is designed to be refilled with the original product.